Saturday, June 27, 2009

Goodbye Bekka

So sad to lose our Golden Retriever, Bekka. We first saw her when she was 1 day old, visited every Sunday until she was old enough to bring home and had to say goodbye 14 years later. She was well-loved.
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  1. Dear Laura,

    I am so very sorry to hear about the loss of your dear, sweet, Bekka. I just found your blog via Dawn McVey's challenge, but I noticed this exquisite memorial card and I just wanted to say how touched I was to see that you shared your loss with the blog world. I'm a passionate "companion" of animals and with extended "dog" family members, I've been down this road a time or two and it's never easy... I just wanted you to know that you're definitely not alone... What a glorious life Bekka must have lead: she was obviously so CHERISHED by you and isn't that all an animal really wants!!! May you find peace in the celebration of her memory and in your other companions and family...

  2. very sorry for your loss....she seems to have been such a sweetheart. It has to be so hard to lose a pet...Hugs to you!

  3. Laura, I am sooooo sorry for your loss. We lost our Taylor in March and I am still recovering. They are such a huge part of our hearts and lives. I hope you are starting to heal from your loss. Hang in there. She must have lived a great life.
    SPCC Creator

  4. I gave this card to our vet who had looked after Bekka with so much care. She kindly let me know that she is keeping this card in her memory box and will remember Bekka as one of those special dogs a vet comes across in her practice.


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